Cosmetic Dentistry
Dr. Zuidema and Dr. Hess have a passion for – and key interest in – cosmetic dentistry. Their expertise, over 35 years of experience, and extensive graduate training in the latest techniques will help transform your smile and boost your self-confidence.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening (or bleaching) is a popular way to brighten your smile and can be done in the office or at home using a high-concentration bleaching gel that is not available over the counter, but that provides beautiful results.

Dr. Zuidema and Dr. Hess use bonding to close gaps and spaces, improve tooth coloration, make teeth appear straighter, and repair chips and cracks. Their skills, combined with recent advances in both materials and technology, ensure it is nearly impossible to distinguish a bonded tooth from its neighbors.

Crowns and Bridges
A dental crown or “cap” is a covering that fits over a damaged, decayed, or unattractive tooth. It often replaces the entire tooth surface, unlike a dental veneer which only covers the front surface of a tooth. New porcelain technology ensures crowns and bridges close gaps, straighten teeth, eliminate dark lines, and more, restoring your smile to its natural form and beauty.

Tooth Colored Fillings
Tooth colored fillings, or white fillings, restore the natural appearance of a tooth. They are made of more tooth-like materials (composite resins and porcelains) that are both safe and predictable.

Dental veneers (also called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates) are used to enhance or correct the appearance of a tooth or group of teeth that may be discolored or misshapen. They are a thin shell of medical-grade ceramic that convincingly substitutes for natural tooth enamel.

Implants & Oral Surgery
Many patients choose implants to replace a single tooth, several teeth, or to support a full set of dentures. Implants are posts that are surgically placed in the jaw, where they function as a sturdy anchor for replacement teeth. The process generally involves a few appointments (placement, healing, crown fabrication) and anywhere from 4-12 months from start to finish. While a little bit more involved, patients tend to report very little discomfort with the procedures.

Internal Whitening
Teeth may darken after trauma, medication, deep decay, or root canal. Internal whitening is an in-office procedure. Dr. Zuidema and Dr. Hess often perform this procedure after a root canal.

Reshaping Gum Tissue
A “gummy smile” can make teeth appear too short. In a simple and painless procedure, usually done with a laser by a Dr. Zuidema or Dr. Hess, your gum tissue can be reshaped to lengthen the appearance of your teeth.